Chasing Pavements

Am I really chasing pavement now? Atau malah gw jalan di tempat sebenernya?
Well I didn’t really chase. Yes I’ve been looking for some new roads, and I found that delightful pavement. All I do is just staring at it, trying to absorb the feel. The excitement. The spirit.
I didn’t give a heart. Well, a little. But whenever I try to put a little heart on it, it always goes away. Like, the excitement seemed unreachable. And it still seems like that.
So here I am, still staring at it. Slowly take myself away. Which choices need to be chose? Nothing. I keep walking on my path. With my own rush arounds. Someday I will find my own pavement to live that will give me excitements, spirits, and delightful things around. That I don’t need to chase, and give up..

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